Banking Full Forms

Banking Full Forms

Banking Full Forms | Reserve Bank of India | State Bank of India | Automatic Teller Machine | Punjab National Bank |  Bank of Baroda | United Bank of India | ICICI | OBC

Full Form of Banks

RBIReserve Bank of India
SBIState Bank of India
HDFCHousing Development Finance Corporation
ICICI Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
IDBIThe Industrial Development Bank of India
PNBPunjab National Bank
UCOUnited Commercial Bank
BOI Bank of India
HSBCHong-Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
IDBIIndustrial Development Bank of India
BOB Bank of Baroda
UBIUnited Bank of India
OBC Oriental Bank of Commerce
BOMBank Of Maharashtra
NABARDNational Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

Important Full Form of Banking Related Terms

ATMAutomatic Teller Machine
ADRAmerican Depository Receipt
ADBAsian Development Bank
AIDWAAll India Democratic Woman’s Association
AITUCAll India Trade Union Congress
APLAbove Poverty Line
ARCAsset Reconstruction Company
ASEMAsia-Europe Meeting
BCBSBasel committee for Banking Supervision
BOTBuild, Operate and Transfer
BPLBelow Poverty Line
BPOBusiness Process Outsourcing
CAChartered Accountant
CARCapital adequacy ratio
CARECredit Analysis & Research Ltd
CIBILCredit Information Bureau (India) Ltd
CMPCommon Minimum Program
CSTCentral Sales Tax
CTTCommodities Transaction Tax
CII Confederation of Indian Industry
DOPBNKDepartment of Post Bank
DMICDelhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor
ECAEssential Commodity Act
EEE Exempt Exempt Exempt
EFAEducation for All
EMIEquated Monthly Installment
ESOPEmployee Stock Option Program
EUEuropean Union
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization
EPFOEmployees Provident Fund Organization
FDFixed Deposit
FDIForeign Direct Investment
FTAFree Trade Area
GDPGross Domestic Product
GICGeneral Insurance Corporation
GSTGoods and Service Tax
HDIHuman Development Index
IAAIInternational Airport Authority of India
IAASIndian Audit and Accounts Service
IDAInternational Development Association
IFSCIndian financial system code
INRIndian Rupee
IPOInitial public offer
ISOInternational Standardization Organization
JNNURMJawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
KYCKnow your customer
LICLife Insurance Corporation (Of India)
LDCLeast Developed Countries
MATMinimum Alternative Tax
MFAMulti-Fiber Agreement
MNCMulti-National Corporation
MIN Mutual Fund Identification No
MSPMinimum support price
NAEP National Adult Education Program
NAMNon-Aligned Movement
NAMANon-Agriculture Market Access
NEFTNational Electronic Fund Transfer
NFONew Fund Offers
NIFTNational Institute of Fashion Technology
NPRNational Population Register
NSDLNational Securities Depository Limited
ODA Official Development Assistance
PANPermanent Account Number
PCIPer capita income
PPFPublic Provident Fund
QR CodeQuick Response Code
RTGSReal Time Gross Settlement
SEZSpecial Economic Zone
STTSecurities Transaction Tax
SWIFTSociety for Worldwide Financial Telecommunications
TDSTax Deducted at Source
TIN Tax Information Network
TRAITelecom Regulatory Authority of India
UPIUnified Payment Interface
VATValue-Added Tax
WHOWorld Health Organization

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