100+ VB nET MCQ | visual basic multiple-choice questions

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Vb Net MCQ | Visual Basic MCQS

VB NET MCQ | VB MCQ | visual basic | visual basic programming | vb programming language | visual basic multiple-choice questions and answers | visual basic MCQs pdf | Windows Forms

Vb Net MCQ questions with answers

Q1 which of the following event occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed?

  1. MouseEnter
  2. MouseMove
  3. MouseDown
  4. MouseUp

Ans. The correct option is C.

Q2 which of the following is not a property of the MouseEventArga object?

  1. Buttons
  2. X
  3. Y
  4. Z

Ans. The correct option is D.

Q3 which of the following event occurs when the mouse pointer moves to and fro over the control?

  1. MouseMove
  2. MouseHover
  3. MouseWheel
  4. MouseLeave

Ans. The correct option is B.

Q4 which of the following event occurs when a key is pressed down while the control has focus?

  1. KeyDown
  2. KeyUp
  3. KeyPress
  4. KeyRelease

Ans. The correct option is A.

Q5 which of the following namespace contains the Form Class?

  1. SystemObject
  2. System.Windows.Forms
  3. System.Windows.Forms.Controls
  4. System.Windows

Ans. The correct option is B.

Dot Net Framework Multiple-Choice Questions

Q6 which of the following store’s binary executables?

  1. Obj
  2. AssemblyInfo.vb
  3. Resources.resx
  4. Bin

Ans. The correct option is D.

Q7 which of the following disables a Windows Form?

  1. Text
  2. Hide
  3. Enabled
  4. Disabled

Ans. The correct option is C.

Q8 The _____ method is used to display the dialog box at run time.

  1. ShowDialog()
  2. DisplayDialog()
  3. Show()
  4. Display()

Ans. The correct option is A.

Q9 The _____ control opens the browse for folder dialog box which lets the user select a folder.

  1. OpenFileDialog
  2. SaveFileDialog
  3. FontDialog
  4. FolderBrowserDialog

Ans. The correct option is D.

Q10 Which of the following control enables the user to check if a file exists and then opens it?

  1. OpenFileDialog
  2. SaveFileDialog
  3. FontDialog
  4. FolderBrowserDialog

Ans. The correct option is A.

Q11 The _____ property indicates whether the read-only checkbox is selected.

  1. ReadOnly
  2. ShowReadOnly
  3. ReadOnlyChecked
  4. CheckedReadOnly

Ans. The correct option is C.

Q12 Which of the following property of the SaveFileDialog control retrieves or sets a value specifying whether or not the dialog box asks the user if it should create a file if the user specifies a non-existent file?

  1. OverwrirePrompt
  2. CreatePrompt
  3. OpenPrompt
  4. Prmpt

Ans. The correct option is B.

Q13 Which of the following property of the ColorDialog class retrieves or sets a value specifying whether or not the dialog box displays all available colors in the set of basic colors?

  1. ShowColor
  2. CustomColors
  3. Color
  4. AnyColor

Ans. The correct option is D.

Q14 Which of the following property obtains or sets the time (in milliseconds) before the tooltip appears?

  1. AutomaticDelay
  2. AutoPopDelay
  3. IntialDelay
  4. ReshowDelay

Ans. The correct option is A.

Q15 Which of the following property specifies the period of time the ToolTip text remains visible if the pointer is kept over a control?

  1. AutomaticDelay
  2. AutoPopDelay
  3. IntialDelay
  4. ReshowDelay

Ans. The correct option is B.

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